Unlearning is the new Learning

education Aug 24, 2020

Mass education will continue to do well for most for many years to come. It is what is taught and how to teach that is creating a gap about finding a satisfying way of being financially independent and staying that way in a rapidly changing world.

More experts are now repeating that learning new skills involve unlearning old skills and habits that most of us have been "constructed" to be.

The acceleration of digital transformation means that the goalposts continue to be moved, and the problem is that we do not even know what the medium to long term future holds for any of us.

So, what to encourage our children and ourselves to learn and unlearn to be ready: here are five habits that William Treseder has shared with us. With his permission, let me share these with you. See if you agree:

1. Filling up the day with time-bound activities.

Just class in school was 45 minutes, or 60 minutes, we build most meetings for the same duration.

Does our work really into easily trackable periods? We seem to have carried this mind-set from school without much thought about the objectives of meetings — exchanging information; discussing a topic; making a decision — and then focus ruthlessly on achieving them.

2. Accepting assignments without asking any questions.

Oh, how most do not enjoy homework. It worked for the teacher because it is one size fits all and the teacher can compare results.

However, that is not the real world. It is written we do it this way, so we do.

The system does not nor tolerate questions on assignments. The main problem endured is "When is this due?" Nothing about the reason for the project, where does it fit in the order of priorities with my millions of other projects on my list.

Planning requires patience, tact, and humility, of course, but the rewards are worth it. The chances of a successful project increases and the team develop confidence in their ability to deliver.

3. "Have you done your homework" is still a spoilsport Sunday evening.

So, it was never part of our life like family breakfast or lunch, going out with friends and families, watching a movie in the cinema or home.

All we did was to accept the assignment and avoid doing it till the last minute. Then obviously the quality suffered!

If anything is late, our modern economy frowns on it. Just being busy is rewarded as a means of quality.

However, we all recall how discussing an assignment improved our knowledge and led to better marks!

Instead, while working on the assignment focus on collaboration and revision, we can then get early feedback and create the loop with the boss or the client. Show the first draft with 50% of the project time or at least a blueprint.

4. You should have got an "A."

Everybody goes to those with the highest grades, leaving the others to feel they are failures! He may be the best at soccer, music, or art but all his creative exploits, organising skills have been reduced to a number or letter "A" or Grade 1. So, I did well if more people got a lesser mark them me!

Offensive when you think about it! Ranking destroys motivation and enthusiasm. Being inspired by greatness should not mean you are any less.

5. Can't you be still for 5 minutes?

I have been called a paper pusher and felt insulted but now realise it is true. Many of us make more money pushing a paper, sending an email, writing a blog than a teacher helping our youngsters save the world, a nurse caring for our parents and sick ones,

Being desk-bound has turned us into nations living in cubicles, in front of our tablets, pcs. We know what this is doing to our health and our social habits.

Fighting it means talking, getting up and walking, standing up against the wall in meetings, having a desk that allows one to work standing up like draughtsman and artists. My granddaughters always walk when taking a telephone call. I should do the same

Besides investing in creating a knowledge center that will share training and formation, I also have to include "unlearning" as a module.

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