Is experience better than education?
Aug 24, 2020It is not a simple question.
Without my secondary education, I would not have got the tertiary education and membership of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. Over the years, I continued learning and never stopped asking what the persons I reported to expect from me. I reached the position of CFO in a Private Bank.
Education in all its form has taken billions out of poverty and will continue to do so. Whether it be primary, secondary, or university, getting a certificate, a diploma, or a degree is essential.
Besides the educational background, more employers nowadays are looking at a person's experience. "A survey by recruitment specialists Universum* found that 58% of leading employers value work experience among graduates more than grades or the name of their university."
Many degrees now include a work experience part while at the other end, many colleges now offer "work and life experience" degree programs. "An accredited life experience based college degree is conferred as a result of credits earned for achievements in job training, employment history, work skills, and education."
The acceleration of changes in the workplace means that the education system is adapting. Hence the development of on-line practical courses developed by practitioners, executives, and entrepreneurs.
As Robin Sharma says: "Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. It will not only improve your life, but it will also improve the lives of all those around you."
So, let us all and encourage our children to continuously invest in learning from work, life, and all around us.
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